Positive Ageing Week is a festival which highlights the positive aspects of ageing and celebrates the contribution older people have made and continue to make to their communities.
The central aim of Positive Ageing Week is to dispel the many negative perceptions that surround ageing and to transform attitudes towards ageing and older people. We need to celebrate the fact that we are living longer, that ageing is not a burden but an opportunity.
Age Action coordinates Positive Ageing Week. Events and activities are organised by active retirement groups, local voluntary groups, nursing homes, libraries, commercial organisations and individual older people themselves.
This is the 8th year Age Action has marked UN International Day of Older Persons (1st October) and each year Positive Ageing Week has become bigger and better. Last year over 700-recorded events took place in 26 counties throughout the country and this year we are hoping for at least 850, including many from across the border.
In Malahide, a Bridge Game shall take place on Wednesday, 29th September 2010 from 2pm until 4:30pm in the Malahide Regional Bridge Club, Broomfield, Malahide. All grades are most welcome to attend. For more information in relation to this event, please contact Anne Doyle on 01 6905890.
For more information in relation to Positive Ageing Week, please log onto http://www.ageaction.ie/positive-ageing-week.htm
Sarah Ann McGrath - Assistant HR Manager
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