Wednesday, September 8

J.C.I. Fingal present Embedded Corporate Social Responsibility

There is much talk in the media about corporate social responsibility. For many people this means little more than a limited philanthropic exercise – cheques to a charity or some employee volunteering in a local community. But what is real corporate social responsibility? How can we recognize it in action? What does it mean to us in our day to day work?

Gráinne Madden, who runs G.M.J. Associates Corporate Responsibility Consultants, will share her insights on the topic on Tuesday, 14th September 2010 at 8pm in the Grand Hotel, Malahide. This event, which is organised by J.C.I. Fingal, is open to all and is free of charge.

With over 20 years of business experience in various roles prior to founding GMJ Associates, Gráinne brings a pragmatic approach to her consulting and training work with client companies.

She obtained her MBA from the Smurfit Graduate School of Business in Dublin in which she specialised in Business Ethics. Her research has been published in the Journal of Business Ethics. As well as working with various client companies and organisations she lectures on corporate responsibility to MBA students.

What is J.C.I. all about?

Junior Chamber International is a worldwide nonprofit organisation which contributes to the advancement of the global community. J.C.I. provides young people in their 20s and 30s the opportunity to develop the leadership skills, social responsibility, entrepreneurship and fellowship necessary to create positive change. Members gain personally and professionally through training and self development programmes. This can be achieved through leading teams, organising events, increasing skills and networking. J.C.I. also provides opportunities to travel and meet fellow members from all parts of the globe. In 2010, members will attend events in Scotland, the UK, Denmark and Japan among others. All members are welcome to attend these conferences and training events. Bill Clinton, Kofi Anan, Al Gore and Bill Gates are all J.C.I. Alumni.

If you would like to find out more about J.C.I., please email for more information.

Sarah Ann McGrath - Assistant HR Manager

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